Wildlife Encounter on a Day Trip to Kauai?!

I do a lot of tours for people who have only one day to do a #sightseeingtouronKauai. They fly over and I pick them up at the airport and we start either an 8 hr tour which only has time for one of the two “sides” of the island or a #10hourtourofKauai. Each side is totally different with most people electing to do #WaimeaCanyon which is too bad because the North Shore is just the opposite in that is covered with lush tropical vegetation while the West side is more brown and red and features the spectacular Waimea Canyon. On the 10 hour private guided tour we travel in my car the entire accessible portions of the island by car.(North Shore and Westside) For more on what that means check out on my website www.kauaitourguy.com/tours Usually when we go to the Waimea Canyon Lookout “all” we are treated to is some of the prettiest scenery in the #GrandcanyonofthePacific , bar none. However on my last tour we some WILDLIFE!
These are incredibly rare to see #wildgoats descended from those introduce by the English explorer Captain James Cook in late 1700’s. This is about as wild as we get on Kauai unless you happen across some of our wild pigs(boars). So, we got lucky! There are two goats, one on the side and one on the ridge. Very shy. This is only the second time to see goats on my private guided sightseeing tours on #Kauai.